Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hotel & Ryads Naoura Barrière in Marrakesh / Rant

Dear Marrakesh,

I hear one of your amazing hotels might have room for me, I feel I need a place to hide out and vent, or soothe my paranoia.. Paranoia was why I checked myself in the mirror about a dozen times when I got home today, to no avail. I was dressed normally for a weekend, no not as a harlot, average 22 year old.. not a super model, not a witch either.. So imagine my surprise at getting the up & down from several older men and even a pucker from one.

Hence the paranoia, these weren't just bored roadies having a laugh, it was middle aged men leering at the girl at the bus stop (yes I checked out the bus stop for funny signs and anything weird...  checked my clothing was on right about a dozen times...). Note to any guy that happens to read this rant: keep your pervy distracted eyes to yourself, or at least be more discrete.

jw. xoxo.

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